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Ne IT Click Solutions, ne synojme te jemi partner strategjik ne suksesin e klienteve tane duke u pershtatur ndaj qellimeve dhe nevojave te tyre permes zgjidhjeve efikase dhe te sigurta te rrjetit.
Stafi yne perbehet nga nje ekip prej 5 Inxhinjereve Senior Network & Security , secili me pervoje dhe ekspertize te gjete ne fushe. Per me shume informacion se si mund t'ju ndihmojme me nevojat tuaja te rrjetit, ju lutemi mos hesitoni te na kontaktoni.

Jemi nje kompani IT qe adhuron zgjidhjen e problemeve, bejme komunikimet elektronike te shpejta, te sigurta dhe te besueshme.
Qellimi yne eshte te ofrojme sherbime rrjeti te jashtezakonshme qe kthejne vizionet dhe kerkesat specifike te klienteve tane ne realitet.

Specialized in troubleshooting, support, design, and security across platforms like Palo Alto, Fortigate, Checkpoint, Cisco ASA, and MikroTik.

Skilled in WireShark, IPsec, VPN protocols (GRE, WireGuard, OpenVPN, SSTP), digital certificates, TCP/UDP, NVR setups, RTSP/RTP, multicast, WiFi, PPPoE, and Radius. Proven track record in firewall migration from Checkpoint to Palo Alto and configuring HSRP.

Specialized in router&switches, wireless, security, access control, servers etc: MPLS (VRF & VPLS, TE), BGP, Network Design/Architecture for Service Provider/Enterprise, RIP, OSPF, PPPoE, VPN/tunnel (IPSec, EoIP, PPTP, SSTP, L2TP, OVPN, IPIP), Load Balancing with smooth Failover and bonding (up to 10 Uplinks).High availability, Advanced Scripting, PBR, Reachability check, Bandwidth Management, advanced QoS. Wireless Security, Bridging, STP, RSTP, WDS, Mesh CAPsMAN. IPv6. Dude system management, with OID, notifications etc.

Design, implement, and maintain complex networks 🖧 while excelling in both TCP/IP and OSI layers, offering you comprehensive solutions for any network-related challenge. As a seasoned professional.
Successfully implemented complex projects such as L2TP with MikroTik + Radius auth, Palo Alto HA failover setups, and firewall migration from Checkpoint to Palo Alto.

Managing DHCP with Infoblox, and configuring high-availability protocols like HSRP and VRRP. Whether you are facing issues with Wi-Fi, PPPoE, or need assistance with multicast, RTSP, RTP, and NVR systems, provide solutions that are both efficient and secure. Packet Forwarded! 🖧

Projects: L2TP with Mikrotik + Radius auth, Palo Alto HA fail over + UserId + Global Protect, Migration from Cisco ASA to PA, Deploy Palo Alto vwire, Migration from Checkpoint to Palo Alto, Deploy NVR IP Camera Mikrotik Ipsec L2TP + PPP auth, ECMP load balance Mikrotik Nat + VRRP, Cisco HSRP, Fortigate VPN + Azure and SD-WAN. Routing OSPF, BGP,Active Passive scenarios routing at ISP, OpenVPN Mikrotik Point to Site vpn Routing OSPF IP Cameras.
Firewall Migration from one location to other (topology change).
Carrier change on Data Center.